Innovations from Novo Peak Health – Colligo
The Colligo Electronic Rehab Record and Management Reporting solution, a proprietary enterprise cloud computing solution, will allow you unparalleled resident outcome measurements, and clinical reporting. Customized reports are accessible to home management by home, region and province wide, which can allow for comparison to other like-situated or size of homes, as desired.
Integrated: Colligo is a proprietary Rehab Medical Record solution (RMR) that is fully customizable and is designed to be able to integrate with software, such as Point Click Care, MedEcare, and GoldCare across a secure web-based platform. In order to facilitate collection of RAI MDS data, Colligo generates the qualifying days and minutes of residents during their observation period, at a click of the mouse. Colligo improves RAI MDS data consistency and health care record/charting management and is also tightly woven into CQI management processes.